Students in green space

Current Students

Current students can access a range of information and services from our office.

Accommodation Letters

Request your Accommodation Letters through the . You will be asked to log in to the portal using your UCalgary username and . Learn more by viewing the .

Book An Exam/Test/Quiz

Book through the . You will be asked to log in to the portal using your UCalgary username and .

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FAQ's about Online Testing »

Resources and Supports

Learn more about specific resources and support that are available to current Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà students who are registered with Student Accessibility Services.

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Considering withdrawing?

Are you considering withdrawing from one or more courses after the allowable withdrawal deadline? Please consult our office for more information on this process, including a list of those on-campus supports you may want to consult before deciding to withdraw, and details on how this decision may affect your fees, student loan status, athletic scholarship, student benefit plan, and housing.

Considering a reduced course load?

Students registered with Student Accessibility Services may sometimes consider taking two courses per semester because of disability-related reasons. Normally taking two courses a semester would designate the student as part-time. However, if you have formal documentation of a diagnosis, you may be eligible for a reduced course load. This is a formal process that must be completed with an Access Advisor. Please consult the office for more information.