Grants for Students With Disabilities

Student Accessibility Services can help students apply for the Canada Student Grant for Students with Disabilities and the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment.

Canada Student Grant for Students with Disabilities

  • is provided to address the financial need of students with a documented disability.
  • It is available once per loan year.
  • If you have previously received this grant, you will be automatically assessed every year you apply for Student Aid.Ìý

Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment - Students with Disabilities

  • is intended to support exceptional education-related costs associated with a student's disability.Ìý
  • Contact Student Accessibility Services to help determine eligible services and/or equipment.Ìý
    • Services and Equipment must be directly linked to an academic barrier experienced as a result of a documented functional limitation.Ìý
    • Students must demonstrate that grant funding has been used appropriately by submitting receipts. Any unused grant funds must be returned to your province/territory Student Aid.Ìý


You could be eligible for these grants if you:

  • Are awarded a Canada Student Loan for a current or upcoming term when you apply for Student Aid with your .Ìý
  • Provide documentation that describes the nature of the permanent disability, or the persistent or prolonged disability, and explain how the impairment(s) restrict your ability to perform the daily activities necessary to pursue studies at a post-secondary level.Ìý

Note: These grants are not available to students from the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Quebec. These locations have their own student aid programs.  

How to Apply

  1. with your province or territory.
  2. with Student Accessibility Services and be sure to check off that you are interested in Student Disability Grants.
  3. Our office will assess your eligibility for the grants and assist you in submitting a Grant Application to your province/territory's Student Aid. Most Grant Applications require an SAS Advisor to complete a portion of the application. Your documentation will also be sent to Student Aid as part of the Grant Application for the purpose of assessing your eligibility.Ìý

Application Deadlines

Deadlines vary by province/territory. Check with the for more information on application deadlines.Ìý

Required Documentation

Documentation requirements are determined by each province/territory.Ìý

Consult the column for Alberta Student Aid's documentation requirements. Speak with Student Accessibility Services for guidance and clarification on required documentation.Ìý

Processing Times

Student Aid processing times will vary by province/territory and time of year. In most cases, a Student Accessibility Services Advisor is required to complete a portion of the application when applying for grants, so connect early to avoid start-of-term delays.Ìý