

This website is intended for staff involved in submitting changes for the University Calendar.

The Post-Secondary Learning Act (PSLA) gives General Faculties Council (GFC) the responsibility for the preparation and publication of the University Calendar (/secretariat/general-faculties-council).

GFC has appointed the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee (APPC) as an advisory group to review the establishment/dissolution of faculties and programs of study.

There are two subcommittees that assist APPC in this. The Academic Program Subcommittee (APS) reviews and makes recommendations to APPC regarding the creation, alteration or termination of undergraduate programs and continuing education programs. While the Calendar and Curriculum Subcommittee (CCS) reviews changes to undergraduate curriculum, admission requirements and courses.

The following flowchart is to help visualize the Calendar submission process:



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Types of Changes

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Guidelines for Submissions

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Calendar Editing and Style Guide

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