Guidelines for Submissions

Submitting your proposed changes to the Calendar and Curriculum Subcommittee (CCS) or the Graduate Academic Program Subcommittee (GAPS) will ensure that they will be reviewed for inclusion in the Calendar.

For more information about submitting proposed Calendar changes, contact Carol Poland (cpoland@ucalgary.ca).

Please note that all changes should be accompanied by a rationale. This will help facilitate the review of your submission. The committees reserve the right to return a submission without reviewing it if a rationale is not submitted with the proposed changes, or if the rationale is not sufficient.

A rationale should be as complete and provide as much information as possible. The commitees are looking for the "why" changes are being made. 

Some things to consider: 

  • If the program/course change involves outside departments, please state in the rationale that consultation has occurred (the Working Group may ask for evidence of consultation).
  • The rationale may be submitted on a separate document, or embedded in the Word document, or submitted in the Summary document, but it must be submitted to the Editor along with the proposed changes.
  • Please be prepared to provide meeting notes where the changes have been approved at the faculty level, as the Working Group may ask to see it.
  • For new courses, a course syllabus does not have to be submitted, but the Working Group may ask to see it.
  • A representative from your faculty or department must be available to attend the review meetings, should the Working Group request it. In the case of large faculties, or faculties with many or significant changes, it is strongly recommended that a representative attend the meeting.