UCalgary Campus

Frequently Asked Questions


Maxient is a student conduct case management software used by the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ's Student Conduct Office. If you receive an email from notifications@maxient.com or from a sender that has "(via Maxient)" next to their name, it means that correspondence was sent to you through this secure third-party system.Ìý

The Student Conduct Office also uses Maxient for its reporting form (accessible through this website), and if you are involved in the conduct process, you may be asked to upload documents through a Maxient form as well.Ìý

If you have any questions about any correspondence from our office, or questions about Maxient, you can email conduct@ucalgary.ca.Ìý

When does the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy apply?

A student is any person registered in an undergraduate or graduate course or course of study at the university, or who was registered in a course or course of study at the time the Student Non-Academic Misconduct occurred. This includes students registered in an online course, continuing education course or course of study, students who are participating in an exchange program, and students who are registered at the university but are not actively taking classes (e.g. co-op placement or practicum, or on a break, such as time off between academic terms).

Students are considered to be a representative of (or representing) the university if/when they are involved in any on campus or off campus activity that is initiated, aided, authorized, or otherwise tied to the university or the individual’s role as a student of the university.Ìý For example: participating in a course or course of study offered by the university, studying abroad, co-op placement, internship, service learning project, university exchange, field trip or field assignments, attending a conference or other activity as a student of the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ. This also includes participating in or attending university student club events on and off campus.

The university is not responsible for responding to complaints of student misconduct that occurs off campus. However, the university may intervene when there is a clear link between a student’s conduct and the university, such as, when the student is representing or acting as a representative of the university.Ìý For example, a group of students travels to Banff for a weekend ski trip and vandalizes their hotel room.Ìý This incident would most likely not be subject to review under the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.Ìý However, if these same students travelled to Banff as part of a university student club and vandalized their hotel room, a review of their conduct may occur under the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.

Online conduct may violate this policy where there is a sufficient connection with the university. The university does not actively review external, publicly accessible social media sites and has little or no control over the content of those sites. Online conduct, like other types of conduct, that occurs off campus and is not sufficiently linked to the university is outside the scope of this policy.

Examples of online conduct that may violate this policy include improper posts made on a university provided or sanctioned site, conduct that violates the Electronic Communications Policy, conduct that violates the Harassment Policy or conduct that presents a safety or security risk to the university or members of the university community.

Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy violations are addressed by the Student Conduct Office to provide a centralized and consistent response to matters of Student Non-Academic Misconduct. The office also provides a central point of contact should individuals have questions about, or need to report, Student Non-Academic Misconduct.

In addition to the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy, other policies related to student behaviour are the Harassment Policy, the Sexual Violence Policy, the Alcohol Policy, the Cannabis Policy, the Copyright Policy, and the Smoking Policy.

How are incidents of Student Non-Academic Misconduct processed?

Any member of the University community (student, faculty, or staff) who has observed, or been the subject of an alleged incident of Student Non-Academic Misconduct can file a report.

When an alleged incident of Student Non-Academic Misconduct is reported, there are a few possible courses of action:

If the incident does not appear to constitute misconduct as outlined in this Policy, the Student Conduct Case Manager may: Discuss the case with the person who reported the incident to suggest some possible solutions to the current situation; and/or Refer the incident to an alternate process or more appropriate means of resolution If there is reason to believe that Student Non-Academic Misconduct has occurred, the Student(s) whose conduct is alleged to be in violation of this Policy will be invited to attend a Hearing to review the report and provide information related to the alleged misconduct.

Student Non-Academic Misconduct that occurs in University residences or are otherwise subject to the Residence Community Standards will be dealt with under the Residence Community Standards process. However, if the misconduct is sufficiently serious, Residence Services may refer it to the Student Conduct Office for review under this Policy.

Students who are alleged to be involved in an incident of Non-Academic Misconduct will receive a written Notice of Hearing that includes:

a proposed date of the Hearing, including notice of the right to reschedule within reasonable timeframes; a description of the alleged misconduct; a summary of pertinent evidence regarding the alleged misconduct; and, information about how to obtain a copy of the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy

The Complainant is the term used under the policy for the person who is alleging Student Non-Academic Misconduct, and the Respondent is the Student who is alleged to have committed the Student Non-Academic Misconduct.

A Hearing is an administrative process used to evaluate and resolve allegations of Student Non-Academic Misconduct. A Hearing may be before a single Hearing Officer or before a Hearing Board depending on the nature of the allegation.

Students may be accompanied to a Hearing by an Advisor. An Advisor may be legal counsel, the Student Ombuds, peer or Students’ Union or Graduate Students Association representative. Students are encouraged to seek the advice of the Student Ombuds.

To read more about what is considered Prohibited Conduct, click here.Ìý

To read more about possible sanctions, click here.Ìý

If you are on disciplinary probation for non-academic misconduct, you are not considered to be in good conduct standing. In addition, if you are currently involved in a non-academic misconduct process, your conduct standing may not be verifiable to meet the requirements of a position or award that you are considering. Please contact conduct@ucalgary.ca to inquire.