UCalgary Campus


The Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy describes student behaviours that are considered misconduct.

The Student Conduct Office - policies

The Student Conduct Office is responsible for adjudication and resolution of allegations involving student non-academic misconduct as outlined in the following university policies:

Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy

The Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy describes student behaviours that are considered prohibited conduct.

View the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct communicates the University’s expectations with respect to the behaviour of university community members.

Learn more about the Code of Conduct

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy

The Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy through the related procedures, establish the processes by which the university will respond to allegations of sexual violence.

Read more about the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy

Copyright Policy

The Copyright Policy establishes the framework for responsible practice with respect to the use of material protected by copyright.

Learn more about the Copyright Policy

Smoking Policy

The Smoking Policy ensures that the university is in compliance with the City of Calgary Smoking Bylaw and Alberta Tobacco Reduction Act.

View more about the Smoking Policy

Alcohol Policy

The Alcohol Policy ensures that the university is in compliance with all federal, provincial and municipal laws concerning the provision and consumption of alcohol.

Read more about the Alcohol Policy

Harassment Policy

The Harassment Policy enhances awareness of the rights and responsibilities of individuals subjected to, or who become aware of, harassment.

View more about the Harassment Policy

Cannabis Policy

The Cannabis Policy ensures that the university is in compliance with all federal, provincial, and municipal laws concerning the use of cannabis.

Read more about the Cannabis Policy

Prohibited Conduct

Prohibited conduct are behaviours that are deemed to endanger or threaten the safety and security of members of the university community; and/or, disrupts the orderly operations of the university.

Appendix 1: Prohibited Conduct (Read more)


If a student is found responsible for violating the Non-Academic Misconduct Policy, sanctions will be assigned. As the university is a place for personal growth and development, sanctions are intended to be educational rather than punitive, wherever possible. Sanctions other than suspension and expulsion will not be noted on a student's academic transcript.

Appendix 2: Sanctions (Read more)

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