
The F-word banner

Who needs feminism?

We launched the Who Needs Feminism? campaign at UCalgary in Feb. 2013. Join the photo campaign on social media to share why you need feminism.

About the Campaign

Sixteen women of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina started “”, a campaign to reclaim the word feminism and reduce antagonism and apprehension over the term. In 2012, the group started sharing photographs of individuals and their reasons why they need feminism.

What is Feminism?

The campaign recognizes the meaning and power of feminism is influenced by each person’s unique experience, and that there is no single definition of feminism.


We have taken over 600 photos so far. Follow us on  to see the photos we've taken!

Upcoming Photo Booth:

Science B (by the Sustainability Resource Centre)

Full Frontal, March 26, 2013 © NUTV