Kerrie Moore

WRC Distinguished Alumna Award Recipient 2008

WRC Award Recipients


Kerrie Moore is an integrative psychotherapist working in private practice as a consultant, educator, spiritual advisor and trauma therapist. Kerrie specializes in holistic therapies and combines her clinical social work education with spiritual and alternative practices. She provides culturally appropriate services in child welfare, education, justice and mental health. Recently Kerrie developed a credit course for Indigenous Studies which she taught at the Old Sun College campus. Kerrie is respected for her knowledge, practice and protocol of Indigenous issues and ways of knowing. 

Kerrie has been a dedicated volunteer for many years. Among her volunteer activities she was president of the Awo Taan Native Women's Shelter. In Kerrie's community of Silver Springs, she helped develop a nursery school program and was the first president of the governing board and a regular volunteer for women's and girls programs. Kerrie is currently an Elder with the Red Cross Elders Circle and has been involved with many Elders' circles helping to create more culturally appropriate services for Indigenous people in Calgary.  For the past six years, Kerrie has been the volunteer spiritual and personal advisor for the students at UCalgary's Writing Symbols Lodge (formerly the Native Centre). In 2005, Kerrie received the Outstanding Volunteer Award and in 2007 the Dr. Ralph Steinhauer Award for her outstanding contributions to Writing Symbols Lodge. Kerrie also received The "Spirit of Gold Award" in 2003 from the United Way for her work with the Elizabeth Fry Society, facilitating healing circles to women involved with the justice system. 

At the age of forty-nine, Kerrie chose to pursue a University education and graduated from the Faculty of Social Work, Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà with her Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Social Work. Kerrie was respected for her dedication and leadership by other students and professors and in 2003 received the Recognition of Excellence for Student Leadership from the Faculty of Social Work and a Laurence Decore Award for Student Leadership. In 2004 Kerrie received a Person's Case Scholarship for her contributions to the advancement of Indigenous women. 

Kerrie has faced both personal and professional challenges because of her integrative healing style, as well as her Métis identity. However, Kerrie's unique skills, wisdom and healing qualities and blending together of many world views have helped her to "move beyond the barriers of disconnection" and create a bridge between two worlds. Kerrie has many role models and a supportive family who help her keep an open heart and find balance within all aspects of her life.