Feb. 3, 2021

Making the most of your semester online - Part 1: Academic success

Getting strategies to help you early in the semester sets you up for success when finals come around
Academic success

We all had high hopes for normalcy in 2021  but here we are continuing to study and work remotely. Whether this is your third semester of online learning or your first, here are some tips from our own UCalgary experts to help you get through the term. Kaliopi Gorgichuk, academic development specialist with the (SSC) shared her tips.

  • No matter where you’re learning, it’s always important to monitor your academics. Take some time every week for an assessment and self-reflection. Go through your notes to check whether or not they’re complete and to see if all the concepts you learned that week are clear. Ending the week that way helps you plan what you need to do next rather than putting things on the back burner and starting from scratch when finals come around
  • Memory plays a big role. If you spend 10 to 15 minutes reviewing material regularly, you’re much likelier to retain the information. It’s all about the quality of the time you spend studying.
  • Taking classes online may not be everyone’s cup of tea but you can do simple things to help. Reading the material before class can ensure you’re only writing new information in your notes. You should also close your browser so you’re not tempted to do other things during a lecture. It’s also helpful to keep what you need in front of you to help minimize distractions.
  • Add everything to your calendar as soon as you get a course outline. This’ll help you plan and prioritize. It’s also important to remember to take things day by day. Everything you do will help contribute to your success.
  • By planning ahead and getting the tools and strategies you need in now, you have less to catch up on later and this will help you avoid burnout.

If you need extra help, SSC staff can help you with everything from creating a schedule to note taking. 

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