A student in the foreground uses a laptop with a thoughtful expression. A student in background works on a laptop.

Troubleshooting Course Challenges

If an unexpected challenge with a course arises, the Student Success Centre can help.

When Unexpected Challenges Arise

Unexpected life events or other challenges can arise which might impact your ability to succeed in a course temporarily. The university has resources and processes in place to help you get support, and overcome difficulties that might arise while completing your degree. 

Below, you will find video examples of student situations that can occur along with answers to common questions on university processes such as withdrawing from courses, deferring term work or managing a missed assignment. You will also find information on relevant services on campus where students can access support.

Missing an Assessment

Student writing on paper

In this video, we meet Jack who due to some health challenges accidentally missed their midterm. Learn about Jack's options and where they can get support.

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To contact their instructor, Jack might find it helpful to review our . Jack can also visit the university's Advising website for up to date information on how to meet with an advisor in their faculty.

Since Jack is managing some recent health challenges, they may want to meet with Student Accessibility Services to explore possible accommodations and review information on  with Student Accessibility Services.

Lastly, Jack may be asked to provide documentation to support their request. Information on  can be found in the Academic Calendar. In addition to medical notes, references, police reports and other possible forms of documentation, students may choose to provide a statutory declaration or complete a Student Declaration of Absence for In-Course Assessments. More details can be found at Course Interruptions. Statutory declarations are made through commissioners of oaths and involve swearing an oath. This service can be accessed at various locations in Calgary, including through and the

Deferral of Term Work

Student with backpack

In this video, we meet Ahmed, who due to a family emergency, is unable to complete his assignments prior to the end of the term. Ahmed has questions about the process for complete a deferral of term work request.

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Read the transcript.


To contact his course instructors, Ahmed might find it helpful to review our Making a Request to a Course Instructor via Email tipsheet. Information on  can be found in the Academic Calendar. Ahmed can also access the Deferral of Term Work Form online.

Ahmed may be asked to provide documentation to support his request. Information on  can be found in the Academic Calendar. In addition to medical notes, references, police reports and other possible forms of documentation, students may choose to provide a statutory declaration or complete a Student Declaration of Absence for In-Course Assessments. More details can be found at Course Interruptions. Statutory declarations are are made through commissioners for oaths and involve swearing an oath. This service be accessed in various locations in Calgary, including through and the

Ahmed may also want to engage with services at the Student Success Centre to make a plan for completing his academic work and/or Student Wellness Services to support his wellbeing. Lastly, he may want to meet with an academic advisor. He can visit the university's Advising website for up to date information on how to meet with an advisor in his faculty.

Withdrawing from a Course

Student Thinking

In this video, we meet Ingrid, who is wondering if she should withdraw from a course where her grade to date has been very low.

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Ingrid can learn more about the types of withdrawals in the Academic Calendar and reach out to her academic advisor by visiting the university's Advising website. Ingrid may also find the how to calculate your interim course grade tip sheet helpful.

To learn more about potential impacts to her scholarship, Ingrid can with Enrolment Services or visit their website for more contact options.

Deferred Exams / Extenuating Circumstances Withdrawals

Student with headphones and computer

In this video, we meet Caleb who has been experiencing mental health concerns this semester and is considering deferring his final exams or requesting extenuating circumstances withdrawals from all his courses, while he adjusts to his medication.

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Caleb can access information on deferred exams and extenuating circumstances withdrawals online. The Deferred Final Exam website provides details on deferred exam dates as well as additional information on when a deferred final exam may be requested as well as frequently asked questions and instructions on how to apply for a deferred exam. More information on Extenuating Circumstances Withdrawals is also available on the bottom of the Registration Changes and Exemption Requests webpage. 

Since Caleb is managing some recent mental health challenges, he may want to meet with Student Accessibility Services to explore possible accommodations and review information on  with Student Accessibility Services.

Lastly, Caleb may be asked to provide documentation to support his requests. Information on  can be found in the Academic Calendar. In addition to medical notes, references, police reports and other possible forms of documentation, students may choose to provide a statutory declaration or complete a Student Declaration of Absence for In-Course Assessments. More details can be found at Course Interruptions. Statutory declarations are are made through commissioners for oaths and involve swearing an oath. This service be accessed in various locations in Calgary, including through and the

Academic Review

Students' grades and course progression are assessed yearly through an academic review. Through this review, students receive an Academic Standing which tracks progress toward degrees. Students who do not meet their faculty’s academic review requirements will receive an email from their faculty in the spring or summer months (typically mid-May to end of July) with their academic review results and important next steps. Have you received an Academic Standing email? Or would like to understand what each standing means?

Looking for more support?

Email Us

You can reach out to us by email at success@ucalgary.ca with questions

Book with Us

The Student Success Centre uses the booking platform. You can book with a variety of different supports based on your needs and interests. 

Visit Us

The Student Success Centre is located on the 3rd floor of TFDL. You can access us in-person or through our .