Online Exam Information Request Form

The SAS Exam Centre is offering to compile a list of the students with time-based exam accommodations to help set up of online tests. 

By filling out the webform below, instructors will receive an excel spreadsheet that allows for a simple calculation of accommodated exam times. For other questions regarding online accommodation exams, please email access.exams@ucalgary.ca.

Students can register through the semester; instructors should note that the information provided will be valid for 5 business days, after which instructors should check the clockwork portal for any other registered students.

Requesting does not replace viewing the accommodations letters in Clockwork and indicated receipt through the checkbox. It aims to simplify the arrangement for online exams.

Timing of reqeust
(Allow 5 business days to process the request)
(Sent a minimum of 3 business days prior to selected date)