
Overhead view of students studying around tables in front of a large window


Learn new coping skills and strategies at your own pace. Our online learning options include videos, online mindfulness, and webinars.

Self-help Mental Health Videos

Self-help videos can help you find ways to support yourself and others, and can be accessed at anytime.

Online Resources for Mental Health

Please note:These resources do not replace professional psychological or medical help. If you have symptoms of mental health, please speak to a mental health professional or your doctor. If you need support that is beyond self-help, please contact Student Wellness Services, or if you are a distance student, please contact distancesupport@ucalgary.ca.

Ted Talk: Ryan Martin: Why we get mad - and why it’s healthy

Ryan Martin’s Website:

Book: ACT on Life Not on Anger: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Guide to Problem Anger by Georg H. Eifert, Matthew McKay and John P. Forsyth with Foreword by Steven C. Hayes:

Anxiety Canada

Resources, tips, information, and worksheets on Anxiety, sleep hygiene, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Anxiety Canada: My Anxiety Plan

A self-help course dedicated to helping you manage your anxiety (for mild and moderate anxiety)


11 Ways to Cope with Anxiety including short-term and long-term strategies

Psychology Today: Therapist Without a Therapist?

An article explaining Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (a treatment used for anxiety) and a list of self-help books

Positive Psychology: 25 CBT Techniques and Worksheets

Practical and self-guided tools using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

National Institute of Mental Health: Panic Disorders

Information about Panic Disorders and how to treat Panic Disorders

For more tips on how to manage anxiety, please see the mindfulness and stress management sections

How to ADHD

A YouTube channel dedicated to living with ADHD and gaining more information about ADHD

Everything you Need to Know about ADHD

Overview of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Tips for Managing Adult ADHD

Tips for managing Adult ADHD

Centre for ADHD Awareness: 10 ways to achieve success for university or college students with ADHD

Can Learn Society

A resource for Calgary student’s looking for local support

HereToHelp: Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Mental Health

Why does body image and self-esteem matter?

National Eating Disorder Information Centre

Information and referrals for Canadian’s struggling with eating disorders

Mayo Clinic: Eating Disorder Treatment: Know Your Options

Detailed information about different types of treatment for eating disorders.

UCalgary Article: Rethinking Masculinity

Author Jane Chamberlain talks about the work UCalgary researchers are doing to address issues in masculinity

I Love my LGBT body

A blog post and link to a facebook group about LGBTQ2S+ body image

Nursing License Map: Eating Disorder Recovery

Eating disorder recovery Toolkit

UCalgary Career Services
One-on-one advising, workshops, and resources for ɫ students and alumni


View job profiles, plan your career and education, get tips on job interviewing and resume writing

Jobs and Employment

Government of Alberta website with information on employment standards, job searches, and occupational health and safety

Job Bank Canada

Search for jobs across Canada

Resume Do’s and Don’ts

Tips for writing your resume

How to Write a Cover Letter

A guide to writing a cover letter

The Lifeline Canada Foundation

A list of crisis phone and texting lines across Canada

Crisis Services Canada

Toll free: 1-833-456-4566
Text 4 p.m. – midnight (EST): 45645
Suicide prevention and support via phone and text

Mind Your Mind: I’m in Crisis

Steps to take if you are in crisis, or are considering suicide

Suicide Safety Planning

How to develop a suicide safety plan and why it’s important. Visit to get a template of a safety plan

App: Calm Harm

An app that provides tasks to help resist or manage the urge to self-harm

How to Help When a Friend is Feeling Suicidal

How to react when a friend wants to die

Distress Centre

24 Hour Crisis Helpline

Hope for Wellness Crisis Helpline

24/7 crisis and counselling line for Indigenous peoples across Canada

International Association for Suicide Prevention: Crisis Centres

Crisis centres around the world

Writing Symbols Lodge
Resource and cultural centre on the UCalgary campus for indigenous students

International Student Services
Visit or contact International Student Services for support, connection, and advising

Refugee Hearing Preparation

Did you know as a refugee claimant you have access to tours of the courtroom in several major cities? Please visit this website to sign up for a tour and have access to your Refugee Preparation Guide

Article: Reconciliation is and what it is not

What does it really mean to move towards reconciliation?

Depression Hurts

Includes information, symptom checklist, and information on how to manage depression

Psych Health and Safety: Dealing with Depression

Printable anti-depressant workbook

Informed Choices about Depression

Information about depression and types of treatment

Mind Your Mind

Information about depression, signs and symptoms, and treatment options


Canadian Mental Health Association’s free CBT program

ɫ Money Smart
Increase your financial literacy by booking a one-to-one meeting, or reviewing resources on the UCalgary Money Smart website

Credit Counselling Society

Credit Counselling Society is a non-profit organization across Canada designed to help you manage your credit and debt

Managing Your Money

Money management courtesy of the Government of Canada; including budgeting, banking, insurance, and retirement planning

Practical Money Skills

A Canadian resource (by Visa) with information on a variety of financial skills including credit, debt, budgeting, and more

Employment Insurance Canada

If you have lost your job through no fault of your own, apply for Employment Insurance here

Canada’s Food Guide

Canada’s Food Guide, updated January 2019

Health Canada: food and nutrition

Government website about food recalls, nutrition, food labelling and legislation.

SU Campus Food Bank

UCalgary Student’s Union has a food bank for student’s who struggle with food security. Please visit their website for more information.

Dietitians of Canada

Find a registered dietitian in your area

Heart & Stroke

Visit the Heart & Stroke “Healthy Eating” category to learn more about how to get healthy

Gambling Addiction

Please visit this website for a list of help line numbers across Canada for Gambling addiction

Gamblers Anonymous

International list of Gamblers Anonymous meetings

CAMH: Problem Gambling

Learn about different types of harmful gambling, signs and symptoms if someone in your life is struggling with gambling, or what kind of support is available

HelpGuide: Smart Phone Addiction

This help guide outlines the signs of not just smart phone, pornography and online shopping addiction (and more), and outlines some behaviour modification to address impulses

The Stress of Constantly Checking Your Phone

Tips to reduce compulsively checking your phone

Therapist Aid

A variety of worksheets and tools used by therapist’s to work with their client’s

Get Self-Help

Practical information and tools using a variety of therapeutic interventions


Support groups, online therapy, and counselling

Mental Health 101

Free online courses to learn about mental health

Here to Help

Wide range of mental health and substance use information, resources, and self-assessments

Canada Mental health Association

Information on various mental health disorders

Centre for Clinical Interventions

Workbooks for a variety of different mental health problems including anxiety, depression, Bipolar Disorder, and more

Help Guide

Resource for mental health and wellness

What is a Psychologist?

Read about what a psychologist does and how they differ from a psychiatrist

What is Social Work?

Read about the role of Social Workers

Help Guide: Coping with Grief and Loss

A guide to coping with grief and loss, information on stages of grief, and complicated grief

Good Therapy: Getting Help for Grief, Loss, and Bereavement

Information about grief and loss, including self-care for grief, and children and grief

Psychology Today: The Ways We Grieve

Information on different types of grief

Alberta Health Services Addiction Helpline:

Toll free telephone line for referral and support for addiction including alcohol, drugs, gambling and more

Alcoholic’s Anonymous

Read about Alcoholic’s Anonymous and/or find a local meeting


Al-Anon is a support group for family and friends of those suffering from alcoholism

Umbrella Project

The AC Umbrella Project is a campus-based harm reduction initiative out of Algonquin College, that discusses the impact of the use of alcohol and other drugs. It focuses on helping students reduce problematic effects, and provides training, workshops, awareness, and support services.

Alberta Quits

Information about quitting smoking including resources, health information, and support

Calcoholator: Blood alcohol Calculator

This tool enables you to track changes in your blood alcohol content over the course of an evening, but you can also run the calculations beforehand, based on how much you expect to drink.

Stages of Change

The stages of change refer to the stages we go through in recovery from addiction; but also applies to a wide range of behaviour changes.

National IRS Crisis Line
The Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line is available 24/7 for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of his or her Residential school experience.

Hope for Wellness

Hope for Wellness offers immediate counselling and crisis intervention for all Indigenous peoples across Canada and is available 24/7.

Indian Residential School Survivors Society Emergency Crisis line

The Indian Residential School Survivors Society Emergency Crisis line is available 24/7 for counselling support.

Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program

The Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program provides mental health, emotional and cultural support services to eligible former Indian Residential School students and their families.

Qmunity Print Resources

A variety of PDF resources from Qmunity including chest health, coming out, and a Queer Glossary

Two-Spirit Resource Guide
A resource guide for North America developed by the National Confederacy of Two-Spirit Organizations and NorthEast Two-Spirit Society

Transgender Visibility Guide

A guide for transgender folks on coming out, processing emotions, and accepting yourself

A Resource Guide to Coming Out

Resource guide on coming out

PFLAG of Canada

An organization for friends and family of LGBTQ2S+ folks; includes information and peer support


Transgender support line lead by transgender people

The Trevor Project

LGBTQ2S+ phone, text, and chat for youth who are in crisis

It Gets Better

Inspirational videos and stories from LGBTQ2S+ folks for the younger generation

ɫ Mindfulness Online
Free online Mindfulness Course courtesy of the ɫ Student Wellness Services

Getting Started with Mindfulness

Beginner’s guide to meditation and mindfulness

Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World

Free meditations from Frantic World

App: MindShift (from Anxiety Canada)

Evidence based CBT and mindfulness app

Fragrant Heart: Heart Centered Meditation

Free guided meditations

Tara Brach: Free meditations

Psychologist Tara Brach offers free meditations on her website

Mayo Clinic*: Borderline Personality Disorder

Information on Borderline Personality Disorder, treatment, and symptom management
*Mayo Clinic is a US clinic and does not serve Canadians

Personality Disorder Treatment

Information on how personality disorders develop and how they are treated

HealthLink: Personality Disorder

Read an overview of different types of personality disorders and how they are treated

HelpGuide: Helping Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder

A guide for those whose loved one’s live with Borderline Personality Disorder

HelpGuide: Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Read about the signs and symptoms of Bipolar Disorder including how it is treated, Bipolar Disorder and suicidality, and self-help


Video about procrastination

Ted Talk: Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator

Ted Talk about procrastination

The Science of Motivation

YouTube video about the science of motivation

The Science of Productivity

YouTube video about the science of productivity

The Procrastination Equation

Tackle your procrastination with this helpful tool

Psychosis 101

Information, treatment, symptoms, and recovery for those who are experiencing psychosis

CAMH: Schizophrenia

Information about schizophrenia. Please see “additional resources” for more detailed information

After Winter: A Real Life Schizophrenia Treatment Story

A story about a young man’s journey through psychosis and recovery; outlines the importance of early psychosis intervention

Following Sexual Assault

A guide for what to do after you’ve been sexually assaulted including who to call, where to go, how to take care of yourself, and how to report (if you choose to)

Shelter Safe

Comprehensive list of women’s domestic violence shelters and transitional housing across Canada

Do It Yourself Online Safety

A guide to help you keep yourself safe online

Living in An Abusive Relationship: Strategies for Staying Safer

A comprehensive guide for individuals in abusive relationships including a risk assessment, safety planning, and information on power and control

Canadian Centre for Male Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Resources and support for male survivors of child sexual abuse

Consent: What is it and why is it important?

Read about what consent is and what sexual violence is

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep:

Tips and tricks on how to improve sleep

17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night

Tips and tricks on how to improve sleep

TED Talk: Sleep is Your Superpower

Brain scientist Matt Walker discusses the importance of sleep

For more tips on sleep, please see the mindfulness section.

Succeed Socially

Tips and tricks navigating social interactions and relationships

The Four Basic Styles of Communication

This PDF outlines the four types of communication

Effective Communication – Building Your Social Skills

What does means to be assertive?

Centre for Clinical Intervention: Social Anxiety Workbook

Read about social anxiety and learn practical skills to manage it

Ted Talk: You Are Not Alone in Your Loneliness

Using the internet to help you with your loneliness

Small Things Often: The Gottman Institute
Give your relationships a boost in 5 minutes or less with Small Things Often from The Gottman Institute. We provide simple, proven, quick tips to help you deepen and enhance your relationships.

Relationship Alive! Episode #19
Get to know the ins and outs of how we attach to others and learn strategies for knowing and understanding yourself and partner

An Imperfect Archive of Us: The Loneliness Project

Canada wide weekly stories of loneliness

ɫ Student Success Centre

Support for UCalgary students including remote sessions, workshops, and advising

SFU: Exam Preperation – 8 strategies for reducing exam anxiety

Strategies to reduce exam anxiety

Youtube Video: 7 Tips to Beat Exam Anxiety

Tips and strategies to reduce exam anxiety

Youtube Video: How to write a good essay

Tips on academic writing

Help Guide: Stress Management

Tips on how to manage stress

Stress Management

Tips on how to manage stress

TED Talk: How to Make Stress Your Friend

Rethinking stress

How to Be Good at Stress

How to change your view on stress; adapted from the book The Upside of Stress


For more on stress management, please see Mindfulness section »

Self-help Tools

Campus emergency notifications.

App: MindShift (from Anxiety Canada)

Evidence based CBT and mindfulness app.

App: Calm Harm

An app that provides tasks to help resist or manage the urge to self-harm.

PTSD Coach Canada

Learn about and manage your symptoms of PTSD with this helpful app


App that helps you to recognize and keep track of mood patterns and cycles

Start your own daily mindfulness practice with this self-directed, online program.

  1. We wish all students knew...

    Upper year UCalgary students share their advice for incoming students in part one of a five part video series.

  2. Dear stress...

    Video submission from a UCalgary student talking about being diagnosed with a mental illness, and managing the stressors of student life.

  1. Standing up to procrastination

    Try these tips and tricks to overcome procrastinationfrom Registered PsychologistJennifer Thannhauser, PhD.

  2. Getting motivated

    If you're struggling to find motivation, let Registered PsychologistJennifer Thannhauser, PhD give you tips and tricks to get motivated again.

  3. Live Webinars through Mount Royal University Student Counselling Services

    Watch from anywhere, even at home...in your pajamas! You can also ask questions using Live Chat.

Mindfulness Podcast

The practice of mindfulness is for everyone. It is a meditation practice that can reduce stress and anxiety and improve attention and creativity, supporting our daily functioning. Subscribe for new episodes, released weekly.

This podcast is brought to you by the ɫ Campus Mental Health Strategy-- a bold commitment to the importance of mental health and well-being of our university family.

Listen here:
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CMHA Recovery College provides free courses that help you develop your own resourcefulness.