
Two architecture students at the ɫ work on a project

Start something campaign

These guidelines will assist in creating Start something campaign materials for the ɫ.


Below is an overview of the elements used in the ɫ'sStart somethingcampaign. For a more detailed description on how to use each element, please refer to the latestfull set of guidelines.

ʱ𲹲if you have any questions about the visual identity for the campaign, or would like to request files.

When to use Start something elements

All faculties, units, and initiatives are welcome to incorporate the Start something elements when your project is representing or speaking to the spirit of entrepreneurial thinking, and how that work ladders up to ɫ brand promise.

The Start something elements should be used with purpose, not as a random visual element and should always have a connection to the greater .

Questions about using these elements in your project? Please contact us.

UC Spark

The UC spark symbolizes the spirit of Start something and the entrepreneurial university.It represents the energy, excitement, and innovation that is a part of what we do here at UCalgary. It also speaks to the connections that make up our community and embodies how we come together as one.ʱ𲹲if you would like to request spark files.

The spark is not a logo and should not be used in place of the UCalgary logo.

Primary sparks

The primary UC sparks basedon the UCalgary brand coloursof red and gold. The sparks highlightthe letters U and C to represent theɫ.These sparks should be used for campaign materials that represent the university asa whole, and are the preferred sparks for usage.

The U and C shapes in the spark should always be visible. The spark can be rotated +/- 15 degrees, but should not rotate past those points. The spark should be at least 1 inch (70 px) wide. If needing a smaller spark, please use a secondary spark.

Red primary UC spark

Red primary UC spark

Gold primary UC spark

Gold primary UC spark

White primary UC spark

White primary UC spark

Secondary sparks

The secondary sparks are simplified versions of the primary spark. They are for use in single-colour materials, such as black-and-white print materials, or when the spark needs to be smaller than 1 inch (70 px) wide.

Like the primary sparks, the U and C shapes should always be visible, and the spark should not be rotated more than +/- 15 degrees.

Red secondary UC spark

Red secondary UC spark

Gold secondary UC spark

Gold secondary UC spark

Black secondary UC spark

Black secondary UC spark

White secondary UC spark

White secondary UC spark

Use with photography

Large, primary UC sparks can be incorporated into images, highlighting UCalgary students, faculty and staff who are showing entrepreneurial spirit.When the spark is intended as a standout element of the image, the colours within the photo need to be muted to allow the spark to be the primary focus.

Student in workshop at UCalgary - example of image with spark

Image with gold primary spark

Two students collaborating on a project - spark example

Image with red primary spark

UCalgary photographs with the spark already added in are available on the UCalgary. (Use search term "Creative Assets" to filter images. Alternatively, find the "Creative Assets" folder in the left menu. It is the first folder nested under the "UCalgary Photos" folder.)

For images where there isn't space for the large spark to be included, the colour of the image needs to stay at full saturation, or for portraits, the spark can sit as a small icon on top of the image. The image's original colour does not need to be altered. A light or dark gradient may be added to help the spark stand out from the image.

Portrait example with small spark

Portrait example with small, primary spark

Group photo example with small spark

Group photo example with small, primary spark


To create vibrancy, patterns have been created for use with the campaign. These patterns can be usedas a background element on their own,and incorporate the shapes found in the primary spark icons. Please contact us for pattern files.

Start something pattern in red

The pattern in red

Start something pattern in gold

The pattern in gold

Patterns can be used in a variety of ways. They can be full-bleed backgrounds, like in the presentation templates, or they can be added as a border element, like the top bar on the letterhead template.

Example of the UCalgary presentation template with pattern
Example of UCalgary letterhead with pattern border

Campaign wordmarks

The “Start something.” wordmark is available in one- and two-line versions to suit a variety of formats and assets. The wordmark is available in black, white and red, as well as in a lockup format with the UC spark. To request the wordmark files, please.

Red Start something wordmark on one line

Red, one-line wordmark

Black start something wordmark on one line

Black, one-line wordmark

White start something wordmark on one line

White, one-line wordmark

Red start something logo on two lines

Red, two-line wordmark

Black Start something wordmark on two lines

Black, two-line wordmark

White Start Something wordmark on two lines

White, two-line wordmark

Wordmark lockups

ɫ logo lockups

In cases where “Start something.” is not the main headline, but there is a desire for it to be used in the creative elsewhere, the wordmark and ɫ logo can be locked up and placed together.ʱ𲹲to request the lockup files.

Vertical UCalgary logo lockup

Vertical UCalgary logo lockup with wordmark

Horizontal UCalgary logo lockup

Horizontal UCalgary logo lockup with wordmark

UC spark and wordmark lockups

The UC spark and campaign wordmark can be used together in a variety of situations, depending on the channel and the overall message. However, if looking for a simplified file that contains both elements, spark and wordmark lockups have been created for use.

An example of a lock up with a primary red spark and a one-line wordmark

Example of a spark lockup with a one-line wordmark

Example of a spark lockup with a two-line wordmark

Example of a spark lockup with a two-line wordmark


In addition to the elements above, a large collection of Start something templates and resources have been created for use by UCalgary communicators.ʱ𲹲if you would like to request the template files.

Print and business templates

Digital assets

Social media

Example of a Start something poster
Start something social media post example

Video assets

Use these short, informative videos if you need content on a digital screen or at an event booth. Find Start something outro bumpers and transitions for building your own videos .

Version A (graphics only)

Version B (graphics and photos)