Abstract pink and red background

Standards and Guidelines

When creating communications or marketing materials for UCalgary, these brand standards and guidelines will help ensure we do so in a consistent and cohesive way. 

Visual identity

Our identity assets include logos, colours, fonts, and imagery. 

We're a complex organization with many layers. Consistency in how we identify these layers builds a positive relationship with our audience.


Use our logos correctly for a professional, consistent brand impression.

Learn about logos


Our colours set us apart from other universities and identities.

How to use our colours


Our fonts include Gotham, Museo Slab, Calibri, Georgia, and Proxima Nova.

Find out about our fonts


Photography, illustration and graphics enhance our storytelling.

Learn to use images


Lockups combine the UCalgary crest and university name with a faculty, department or business unit.

Learn about lockups


The wordmark offers flexibility in identifying a faculty, department or unit, without being "locked up" with the university crest.

Learn about wordmarks

"Start something" brand campaign

All faculties, units, and initiatives are welcome to incorporate the Start something elements when your project is representing or speaking to the spirit of entrepreneurial thinking.

Learn about Start something

Unique identifiers

Used in combination with the UCalgary logo, unique identifiers are a visual concept that relates to a group’s activities, values and goals.

Learn about unique identifiers

Dinos and UC interlock

The Dinos are athletics teams that represent UCalgary. They symbolise the power, performance and fierce spirit of our university. 

Learn about Dinos identity

Partnerships and affiliations

We value our our community partnerships and show our support in many ways – it's important to identify our connection clearly.

Learn about representing partners

Web and social media

Digital channels are successful when we provide useful information, foster relationships and drive meaningful engagement with audiences.

Learn about web and social media

Ceremonial Marks

Official marks owned by UCalgary and used exclusively for ceremonial purposes.

Learn about ceremonial marks

Email signatures

Using a UCalgary email signature presents a unified, professional appearance and makes it easy for others to contact you and recognize our brand.

Learn about email signatures