Unique identifiers

Used in combination with the UCalgary logo, unique identifiers are a visual concept that relates to a group’s activities, values and goals, representing distinctive UCalgary initiatives partnered with other external collaborators.

To inquire about whether your department or area could have a unique identifier, contact brand@ucalgary.ca

Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute

Representing a community of researchers and educators dedicated to achieving a cancer-free future. Learn more about the .

Arnie Charbonneau unique identifier

Azrieli Accelerator

Representing transdisciplinary teams working together to accelerate neurodevelopment research. Learn more about the Azrieli Accelerator.

A multicoloured icon rising from red to bright yellow in the shape of an "A"

Centre for Wellbeing in Education

Representing a centre of excellence in research, education and service for the wellbeing of children and youth. Learn more about the .

An intricate woven icon made from red, gold, orange and berry columns

O’Brien Institute for Public Health

Representing the complex but inspiring mission to better health and health care through knowledge generation and mobilization. Learn more about the .

O'Brien Institute for Public Health unique identifier

One Health

Representing the combined impact of improved health and wellbeing for people, animals, and the environment. Learn more about .

One Health at UCalgary unique identifier

Quantum City

Representing infrastructure fabrication, new talent development and commercialization pathways for a Calgary-based quantum technology hub. Learn more about .

Image of the Quantum City unique identifier

School of Public Policy

Representing the advancement of practical, focused policy research and leadership. Learn more about the .

A red ribbon globe icon and the School of Public Policy wordmark


Representing the cross-Canada data surveillance program for children's health.

SPRINT-KIDS unique identifier.


Representing the acceleration of start-ups to advance problem-solving research, create jobs and fuel the economy. Learn more about UCeed.

A colourful symbol made of interlocked hexagons