Spirit and Serena Sunderji Scholarship

Award value


Number of awards


Application to apply for

Convocation - June Nominated Awards


Spirit & Serena Sunderji Scholarship Fund at the Calgary Foundation

Award description

  • Offered annually to a graduating student in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine who is pursuing a career in a small animal practice
  • Academic merit. Based on student performance in the Small Animal GVP rotation. The number of small animal rotations and performance in these rotations will also be taken into consideration
  • Preference will be given to a student who has been accepted into a formal small animal internship. If no small animal internships, second preference to a student who has secured a job in a small animal practice
  • Overall GPA in Year IV courses may also be considered if necessary.

Required criteria

Student type: Undergraduate

Faculty: Veterinary Medicine

Year entering: Graduating

Citizenship/residency: Any

Award information

Type of award: Scholarship

Internal/external/government: Internal