UCalgary campus

Third Party Sponsorship: Information for Students

Find out all you need to know about Third Party Sponsorship, including eligibility, steps, documentation and students’ roles and responsibilities.

Student role and responsibilities​

As a student engaging in a third party sponsorship, you're responsible for:

  • Requesting a sponsorship letter to submit to UCalgary within the third party sponsor application by the term fee deadline. The student is responsible for any late interest or holds assessed due to late application.

  • Uploading your sponsor letter each term through a third party sponsorship application via Student Service Request.​

  • Ensuring your sponsor pays UCalgary within 30 days of being invoiced.​

  • Paying fees the sponsor has not chosen to pay in full by the term fee deadline. Any unpaid balance and late interest is the full responsibility of the student.​

  • Providing any additional information the sponsor may request, such as proof of enrolment, transcripts, receipts, etc.​

  • The student is responsible for unpaid fees if the sponsor does not pay within 30 days of being invoiced. The student will be accountable for holds, late interest and collections activity due to sponsor non-payment.

Applying for third party sponsorship

Before you start the application process, it's important to understand who is not considered a sponsor by UCalgary. Individuals, parents, and other relatives aren't eligible to act as sponsors. RESP providers are also not considered eligible sponsors. 

Additionally, application fees, deposit fees, and late interest charges cannot be included in the sponsorship agreement. Sponsors will receive an invoice with the amount required to pay. Sponsorship payments will only be accepted for active invoices sent from Finance to sponsors directly. 

Student using a laptop.

Sample sponsorship letter

You can use the Sponsorship Letter Template if your sponsor is not sure what to include.

Get your sponsorship letter

Sponsorship letters must meet the below eligibility requirements:​

​- Be on company letterhead​

- Include the individual student name and UCalgary student ID number​

- Clearly state what term the sponsorship covers (EG: Winter 2023)​ 

- Outline in detail which fees will be covered in the sponsorship. Sponsor must identify they will pay for tuition fees, general fees, and all optional fees. For example, if a sponsor letter does not specifically state the sponsor will cover Health and Dental insurance, then those fees will remain as the student’s responsibility to pay.

- Application fees, deposit fees, and late interest charges cannot be included in the sponsorship agreement.

- Students can only apply for one term at a time; however, the same letter can be re-used for future sponsorship if the term information is updated.

- Signature of an authorized representative from the sponsoring organization​

- Application fees, deposit fees, and late interest charges cannot be included in the sponsorship agreement.

​N°ż°Ő·ˇ: We are unable to accept sponsorship letters that include conditions that must be met by the student in order for the sponsor to pay term fees. Examples of these conditions include but are not limited to:​

- Maintaining good academic standing​

- Conditions for payment beyond 30 days from the invoice date. The sponsor invoice must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date to remain in good standing with UCalgary​

Student are responsible to provide Confirmation of Registration Letter if it is required by their sponsor to receive a sponsorship letter.

Learn more about your confirmation of registration letter

Upload your sponsor letter through Service Request in Student Centre

Students must upload their sponsorship letter through a Service Request in the Student Centre each term prior to the term fee deadline. For the sponsorship to be approved, the application must include a sponsorship letter that meets the eligibility requirements mentioned in step one.​

After the sponsorship application is approved, the student account will be adjusted to reflect the sponsorship prior to the term fee deadline. Students can view the details of their sponsorship in the student portal under the "Sponsorship" link. It's the student's responsibility to review their account and sponsorship information, and pay any fees that are not covered by the sponsor on the term fee deadline.​

If sponsors require transcripts or other registration information, it's the student's responsibility to provide and submit this information directly to the sponsor.

Learn more about how to submit a service request (pdf)

Sponsors receive invoice

After the term fee deadline has passed, the sponsor will be sent an invoice for the term via email. In order to prevent delays in the processing of sponsorship applications, sponsor letters must be submitted prior to the term fee deadline. ​​

Late submissions will result in delays in processing, invoicing, and sponsor payment. Any late interest or fee notices added to the student's account as a result of a late submission will be the responsibility of the student. To avoid such delays and penalties, it is recommended the sponsorship letter be requested and the Third Party Sponsor application be submitted well in advance of the term fee deadline.​

By entering into a sponsorship agreement, you are consenting to UCalgary sharing information regarding your student account fee assessments with your sponsor for the term. The following information will be shared with your sponsor: Tuition and Fee assessments only. Course registration and transcript details will not be submitted or shared with the sponsor.

Monitor the Sponsorship link in your Student Centre

After your sponsorship is approved, you'll see a Sponsorship link in your Student Center -> My Financials section. You need to monitor the status of your sponsor's payment by viewing the sponsorship link.  ​

If your sponsor doesn't pay the invoice within 30 days of the invoice date, you'll see your sponsorship listed as "past due." You'll also receive an email advising of the past due invoice and will need to follow up with your sponsor regarding payment, to avoid the sponsorship being cancelled. The sponsor will also receive additional statements advising of unpaid invoices. ​If your sponsor's account is not in good standing due to unpaid invoices, you will see a note under the sponsorship link indicating your sponsorship is at risk and may not be processed until the sponsor's account is back in good standing. ​

If the sponsor's account is not in good standing, it will prevent you and any other student under that sponsorship from being sponsored for the next term. If a sponsorship is cancelled due to non-payment, this will also be visible under the Sponsorship link, and you'll receive an email advising of the sponsorship cancellation. If a sponsorship is cancelled due to non-payment, all fees will revert-back to being owed by you and will be subject to late interest and collections activity.  ​

Account Notices

Your student file may be placed on hold and unpaid charges may accrue late interest if your sponsor doesn't pay the invoice or if there is an outstanding balance on the term not being covered by the sponsor. Information on financial holds can be found in the . The hold will prevent you from adding new classes or requesting official transcripts, and may impact access to other services across campus.​
If payment is not received from the sponsor within 30 days of the invoice being issued, the invoice may be cancelled, and you'll be responsible for paying the balance due plus any late fees accrued on your account.