
Medical Exam

Medical Exam

Ensure that your immigration medical exam is valid prior to travel to Canada. IRCC maycancel visasfor students whose medicals have expired.

Validity of a medical exam

An immigration medical exam isvalid only for a period of one yearfrom the date the exam was taken. You’ll find the date on the up-front immigration e-medical document.


What to do if your medical will expire prior to travel

  • Step1: You must complete a new immigration medical.Please refer to the list of designated medical practitioners for your country on the
  • Step2: Upon completion of your medical exam, send an update to the.

What to do if your medical has expired?

  • Step1: You must complete a new immigration medical. Refer to the list of designated medical practitioners for your country on the
  • Step 2: You must update the IRCC with your new medical examvia a visa office-specificwebform submission. Please find your designated visa office’s webform on the
  • Step 3: Verify in your MyIRCC Portal if your visa has been cancelled.If your visa has been cancelled, youdo notneed to submit a new application to the IRCC.The IRCC will update your file with your new medical exam and will“r-پٱ”your visa.You can verify the reactivation of your visa in your MyIRCC Portal.


Do not book travel to Canada until your visa has been re-activated.

Airlinestaff in the country of origin will deny boarding to travellersdestined to Canadaif their immigration medical is expired.