Brand lookbook

Examples of how the UCalgary brand is used around campus, in print and online. Lookbook updated annually.

Questions about a project? Email brand@ucalgary.ca

Start something campaign

Launched in 2022, Start something celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit of our students, faculty and community. The visual identity for this institution-wide initiative needed to be exciting, creative, and adaptable. 

The campaign is anchored by a series of campus experience installations. These environmental graphics immerse visitors in the energy of Start something, create brand recognition, and enliven our campuses. 

All faculties and units are encouraged to use the Start something brand if a project speaks to the spirit of entrepreneurial thinking. Browse the photos below to see how Start something has been embraced and used to build a bold, representational brand for UCalgary's future.

Tour all our Start something campus experience graphic installations:


This annual event features two weeks of campus-wide speaker events, activities and workshops. The diverse UFlourish event is fused by an inclusive identity that represents a commitment to community mental health and well-being.  

Convocation visual identity

This visual treatment was developed to identify, elevate and celebrate convocation every spring and fall. It features silhouettes of campus landmarks and uses classic UCalgary red paired with an exclusive metallic gold effect. Our graduates are remarkable and deserve special recognition in all the details of their special day.

One Child Every Child

UCalgary is partnering with more than 130 organizations to transform child health research in Canada, promote Indigenous-led knowledge creation and self-determination, and drive discovery and innovation with the help of $268 million in support. 

The One Child Every Child brand helps tie all these efforts together in a recognizable, child-centered visual identity. The announcement event also featured a reading of the UCalgary-produced storybook, , created to help kids understand their value and their potential. 


Schulich Strategic Plan

The Schulich School of Engineering needed a visual treatment that reflected the energy, enterprise and excellence of their strategic plan. This chevron pattern was adapted to promote other initiatives including their Makerspace and industry events like Schulich Connects. Chevrons also appear in the spark specially designed for Schulich use. They've become a strong visual anchor to Schulich's innovation and impact.

Read the

Alumni visual identity

UCalgary alumni groups and events have been represented in countless ways over the past 50+ years. This visual identity compliments the greater UCalgary brand while being boldly alumni-focused. The alumni wordmark, notable for including the UCalgary crest, will establish a new legacy for our alumni community.

The wordmark and graphic treatments are flexible to promote and differentiate alumni initiatives like and while still making them part of the greater alumni identity. 

Giving Day

UCalgary Giving Day is an annual opportunity for contributors to give matched donations to support students and the amazing work done at the university. There are many and diverse messages for the Giving Day audience: an energetic and recognizable graphic treatment, combined with inspirational photography, helps unite all channels for a clear call-to-action.