UCalgary Vehicles
Canada and the continental United States.
Types of Coverage
This policy includes insurance for university-owned and licensed motor vehicles and trailers. It includes liability insurance (damage to the property of others/individuals) as well as collision and theft.
University-owned vehicles which carry hazardous goods are covered, if they are carded in accordance with the transportation of dangerous goods legislation, and if they are listed as a "hazardous good vehicle" with Risk Management and Insurance.
All vehicles: $2500. The deductible will be charged back to the department (or trustholder where applicable).
Employees, students, and volunteers may drive university vehicles with the appropriate license and once they have become approved university drivers.
Passengers are not usually allowed in university vehicles unless they are employees or others necessary to complete the university business for which the vehicle is being operated. Hitchhikers must not be picked up or carried at any time.
- Personal property of the driver or occupants
- UCalgary property located inside or carried outside of the vehicle (see Property Insurance)
- Normal wear and tear on the vehicle or trailer
- Breakage of the front windshield during vandalism
- Damage to glass as a result of rocks flying up off the road
- Damage to tires unless the loss is part of an accident with another vehicle or object, where the total claim exceeds the deductible
- Parking and traffic violations.
All vehicles that were write-offs from the July 12, 2010 hailstorm, but were retained by the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ, no longer have any insurance coverage for physical damage. The liability coverage continues to apply.
Special Condition of the Insurance Program
- University-owned motor vehicles cannot be driven outside of Canada and the continental United States.
- Insurance coverage for collision may be void if the driver is found legally impaired.
- Insurance coverage may be void if open alcohol or illegal drugs are found in the vehicle.
- Insurance coverage may be void if the vehicle is used for any illicit or prohibited trade or transportation.
- The individual signing out a vehicle and/or the driver may be held legally responsible for charges and/or litigation resulting from vehicle misuse (which includes, but is not limited to, any of the special conditions listed herein).
Insurance Deductibles
Deductibles are charged back to the department (or trustholder, where applicable).
All Vehicles
Deductible Amount: $2,500
Revised: July 1, 2021
If you are in an accident in a UCalgary-owned vehicle, report the vehicle incident.
Purchasing and Registering Vehicles in Alberta
When considering the acquisition of a vehicle, contact the Senior Manager, Fleet and Municipal Operations at 403.220.4379, who will be able to guide you through the purchasing process.
All vehicles purchased by the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà or through any trust account must be purchased under the purchasing handbook procedures and guidelines.
Used Vehicles
Used vehicles purchased in Canada must be pre-inspected by the Motor Pool prior to purchase to ensure that all appropriate regulations are met. Used vehicles must conform to the university standards as well.
15 Passenger Vans have special purchase requirements. Review them prior to contacting the Senior Manager Fleet and Municipal Operations.
Registering Vehicles
All vehicles must be registered through the Fleet Operations garage (403.220.5601). They will obtain the license plate and supply you with a "pink card" evidencing insurance under the university's vehicle insurance program. The garage can also assist with vehicle disposals.
Registration and insurance cards must remain in the vehicle at all times.
Purchasing Vehicles Outside of Alberta
Purchasing vehicles outside of Canada requires the approval of Risk Management and Insurance to ensure that all laws/regulations are met as well as the appropriate insurance procured. Allow significant time for this process.
Inspections and Maintenance
Purchase of Used Vehicles
Used vehicles purchased in Canada must be pre-inspected by the Motor Pool prior to purchase to ensure that all appropriate regulations are met.
All Fleet Vehicles
It is the responsibility of the department who owns the vehicle to ensure that their vehicles are appropriately maintained. Departments should ensure that they adhere to the manufacturer's recommended maintenance program for that vehicle.
Inspections and maintenance of university-owned vehicles are done through the Fleet Operations garage (403.220.5601). The garage will contact your department when your vehicle is due for maintenance or inspections. If you have not been contacted on an annual basis, contact the garage to arrange an appointment.
If a mechanic deems that a vehicle is unsafe due to mechanical conditions or the vehicle does not pass inspection, it is the responsibility of the department to remove the vehicle from operations immediately.
Fuel for University Vehicles
Fuel for university-owned vehicles can be purchased at regular gas stations or through the fuel pumps located at the Physical Plant.
For re-fueling at the Physical Plant you are required to have a fuel card which can be arranged for and picked up at the Fleet Operations garage (403.220.5601). The Physical Plant fuel station, located in Lot 53, is open 7 days a week 24 hours per day.
Driver's Safety Handbook
The Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà is provided to all university staff who operate a fleet or rental vehicle. Review your responsibilities to maintain the safety of the public and the campus community, as well as your own personal safety.
Transporting Dangerous Goods
Rental vehicles are not permitted to transport hazardous materials. UCalgary-owned vehicles carrying hazardous materials must be appropriately placarded and the driver trained in transportation of dangerous goods (TDG).
If you are planning to transport hazardous materials in a vehicle, contact Hazardous Materials Services. They provide training in transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) and serve as a resource on matters of hazardous materials and TDG.