Owned Auto Insurance
Canada and the continental United States.
Types of Coverage
- Insurance for university-owned and licensed motor vehicles and trailers.
- Liability insurance (damage to the property of others/individuals) as well as collision and theft.
- University-owned vehicles which carry hazardous goods are covered, if they are carded in accordance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods legislation and if they are listed as a "Hazardous Good Vehicle" with Risk Management and Insurance.
Deductible (Revised: July 1, 2021)
- $2500 deductible, for all vehicles.
- The deductible will be charged back to the department (or trustholder where applicable).
- Employees, students, and volunteers may drive university vehicles with the appropriate license and once they have become approved university drivers.
- Passengers are not usually allowed in university vehicles unless they are employees or others necessary to complete the university business for which the vehicle is being operated.
- Hitchhikers must not be picked up or carried at any time.
- Personal property of the driver or occupants.
- University property located inside or carried outside of the vehicle (see Property Insurance).
- Normal wear and tear on the vehicle or trailer.
- Breakage of the front windshield during vandalism.
- Damage to glass as a result of rocks flying up off the road.
- Damage to tires unless the loss is part of an accident with another vehicle or object, where the total claim exceeds the deductible.
- Parking and traffic violations.
*All vehicles that were write-offs from the July 12, 2010 hailstorm, but were retained by the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ, no longer have any insurance coverage for physical damage. The liability coverage continues to apply.
Special Conditions
- University-owned motor vehicles cannot be driven outside of Canada and the continental United States.
- Insurance coverage for collision may be void if the driver is found legally impaired.
- Insurance coverage may be void if open alcohol or illegal drugs are found in the vehicle.
- Insurance coverage may be void if the vehicle is used for any illicit or prohibited trade or transportation.
- The individual signing out a vehicle and/or the driver may be held legally responsible for charges and/or litigation resulting from vehicle misuse (which includes, but is not limited to, any of the special conditions listed herein.