Unlicenced Vehicles

Electric Scooters, Personal Transporters, Motorized Skateboards, Golf Carts, Go-Carts, and Pocket Bikes
Electric scooters, personal transporters, motorized skateboards, golf carts, go-carts, and pocket bikes are not allowed to be driven on campus.
These vehicles are considered prohibited miniature vehicles under the Alberta Traffic Safety Act (see ). The act disallows them from being driven on or across roadways, parking lots, or on sidewalks bordering roadways or parking lots. Due to the density of the pedestrian population on the campuses, they are not allowed in any location.
Exception: Bird e-scooters are available to students, faculty, staff, and visitors to use on campus. Please see the Parking and Transportation department E-Scooters webpage for more information.
Updated: Oct 22, 2024