UCalgary Waivers & Informed Consents
These waivers are for Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà use only. They may not be altered in any way without the permission of Risk Management and Insurance.
These documents are not applicable to research involving the use of human subjects/participants. Contact Research Services if you require assistance with those types of documents. Students' Union clubs should contact the SU for waivers. Department Graduate Associations (DGAs) should contact the Graduate Student Association for waivers.
If you are administering waivers and/or informed consents, follow the guidelines.
International Travel Adult Waiver
For use when travel has been approved through the travel process. Please go to the page to determine if you are eligible.
International Travel Employee Adult Informed Consent
For use when travel has been approved through the travel process. Please go to the page to determine if you are eligible.
International Travel Adult Informed Consent
For use when travel has been approved through the travel process. Please go to the page to determine if you are eligible.
International Travel Extreme Risk Waiver
For use when travel has been approved through the travel process. Please go to the page to determine if you are eligible.
Laboratory Activities Adult Waiver
Participants 18 years of age or older and the activity is not-for-credit.
Laboratory & Animal Activities Adult Waiver
Participants 18 years of age or older and the activity is not-for-credit.
Laboratory and Field Activities Adult Waiver
Participants 18 years of age or older and the activity is not-for-credit.
Laboratory, Animal, and Field Activities Adult Waiver
Participants 18 years of age or older and the activity is not-for-credit.
Sports Waivers
Release and Permission Forms
Waiver/Informed Consent Request
If the required waiver or informed consent is not listed, Please complete the at least two weeks prior to the event.