
UCalgary Student Clubs & Groups Newsletter Feature

Please fill out this form if you’d like your SU club or GSA group to be promoted in the “Clubs Feature” section of the International Student Services newsletter. ISS newsletters are sent weekly on Wednesdays throughout the academic year. Submissions will be reviewed and, once approved, released by order of submission as the newsletters are sent out for the 2020-21 academic year. Please note that submitting this form does not guarantee inclusion in the newsletter due to limited capacity.

Recommended image size: 600 x 500 pixels

If you have a specific event to promote, please use the .

Consider especially why an international student audience might benefit from getting involved with your club or group.
This can be the logo of your club or a picture from an event (recommended size: 600 x 500 pixels).
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png.
The ISS team is hoping to interview some student leaders and local experts on a variety of topics to help improve the quality and relevance of our web materials for current students. Would you or a member of your club be open to answering some questions from our team related to your club/area of expertise if needed?