Hybrid work survey results 2022

2022 Hybrid Work Survey Results

May 2022 surveys

Two surveys were launched to explore the possibilities for hybrid work — one survey directed at employees and the other given to leaders.

We received responses from approximately 2,700 people:

  • 443 leaders
  • 2,226 employees

We asked:

  • What impact does hybrid work have on:
    • productivity
    • work-life balance
    • mental health
    • physical health
  • How many days per week can employees work remote while remaining effective in their roles?
  • Are designated days on campus important?
  • How important is hybrid work to your employment at UCalgary?
Graphics of employees discussing hybrid work options

Guiding Principles

for the consultation process

  • Trust
  • Clear expectations
  • Flexibility
  • Employee experience
  • Attraction and retention


to explore

  • Enhance technology
  • Consider environment and sustainability
  • Flexible work hours
  • Cost and time savings

Next Steps

  • Community engagement
    • Focus groups 
  • Review and approvals
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  • Evaluation

Number of days in the office

Leaders were asked: what would be the ideal number of days per week for your direct reports to work at their campus location (onsite)?

  • 27% said 2 days in office
  • 31% said 3 days in office

Employees were asked: with the continued flexibility of hybrid working, how many days per week would be optimal to work remote while meeting job expectations and producing high quality deliverables and/or services?

  • 23% said 2 days remote work (3 days in office)
  • 29% said 3 days remote work (2 days in office)
Bar graph depicting survey responses of how many days per week in the office is preferred for employees and leaders

65% of leaders said 3.4 of their reports could meet job expectations while working from home (2022 survey).

Ability to succeed while working remotely

Leaders were asked: With the continued flexibility of hybrid working, how many of your direct reports would be able to work remotely while meeting job expectations and producing high quality deliverables and/or services?

  • 63% of leaders stated over 75% of their direct reports could effectively work remotely

Employee retention

Employees were asked: How important is having a hybrid work arrangement to your retention at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ?

90% of employees said having a hybrid work arrangement is moderately or very important to their retention at UCalgary

93% of employees said access to hybrid work options is moderately or very important to their job satisfaction

Job satisfaction

Employees were asked: How important is the ability to participate in a hybrid work arrangement to your employment satisfaction?

Benefits to working in person

Leaders were asked: What advantages do you foresee in having your direct reports working together on campus? (select all that apply)

  • 26% said so they could connect with team members to form and/or enhance a positive and supportive team culture
  • 22% said the ability to participate in team events (e.g. celebrations, team lunches)
  • 20% said for face-to-face meetings
Graphic showing survey responses for leaders' reasons to want employees working in person

Remote work opportunities — impact on employees

Employees were asked: Indicate the impact of remote work on you during the pandemic (select all that apply)

  • Productivity – 85% somewhat or extremely positive
  • Work-life balance – 86% somewhat or extremely positive
  • Mental health – 76% somewhat or extremely positive
  • Physical health – 69% somewhat or extremely positive
Employees survey responses on benefits of working from home