Occupational Health Exposure Groups and Activities Report

Employees who have work related health hazards may be eligible for occupational health services provided through staff wellness. The Occupational Health Activity reports organize employees who are enrolled in relevant “exposure groups” and displays their status of completion of activities associated with their respective exposure group. See “Exposure group and associated activities” to see relevant groups and activities. 

Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation and Code stipulates that employees and supervisors have a legal responsibility to identify and control workplace hazards. UCalgary has a hazard assessment and control process to assist employees and supervisors with assessing workplace hazards. Many of the health hazards associated with work can help to be controlled, through receiving occupational health services offered by Staff Wellness. Staff Wellness supports supervisors and employees by providing these reports which show a list of employees, enrollment, and completion status. 

In a compliance report, the following status may be assigned to an employee: 

“Complete” – Employee has either completed all the required/recommended activities of the exposure group; or has submitted the risk acknowledgment form (applicable to immunizations only, provided by Staff Wellness) and declined the recommended activity. 

“In Progress / Deferred / No Contact Required” – Employee has contacted Staff Wellness and is in the process of completing the outstanding activities of their exposure group. 

“Activities Due/Near Due” – Employee has one or more outstanding activities and should contact Staff Wellness ohn@ucalgary.ca to arrange to complete same activities; or decline recommended activities through completion of risk acknowledgement form (applicable to immunizations only). 

Occupational Health Program Details: 

Occupational Health Programs can be viewed at: 



In addition to the posted programs, CL3 lab and pathogen or other hazard specific medical surveillance and post-exposure planning may also be available. 

Exposure Groups and Associated Activities

The following table shows current exposure groups and associated activities for UCalgary employees.

Exposure group name 



Who’s Included? 

Audiometric Testing 

Hearing test 

1-2 Years 

Noise exposed individuals 

CL3 Lab Medical 

Health assessment 


Individuals working in a containment level 3 laboratory. 


TB skin test 


Individuals working in a containment level 3 laboratory.



Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Immunization 

Primary (3 dose) series – once 

Individuals working with Bordetella pertussis 


Booster dose every 10 years 

Individuals working with Bordetella pertussis 

Human Blood Body Fluid 

Hepatitis B Immunization 

Primary (3 dose) series  once; booster dose(s) if protective antibody threshold not reached 

Individuals working with unscreened human cells, tissues, blood, and other body fluids (excluding urine, sweat, or saliva). 


Hepatitis B antibody blood test 

Once following primary vaccination series or booster 

Individuals working with unscreened human cells, tissues, blood, and other body fluids (excluding urine, sweat, or saliva). 

Hepatitis A Research 

Hepatitis A immunization 

Primary (2 dose) series once 

Individuals who work with Hepatitis A virus or those with increased exposure risk to human stool 

HIV Research 

Hepatitis B immunization 


Primary (3 dose) series once; booster dose(s) if protective antibody threshold not reached 

Individuals working with HIV or individuals working with blood samples that are high risk for bloodborne pathogens (HIV, Hepatitis B, C)



Hepatitis B antibody blood test 


Once following primary vaccination series or booster 

Individuals working with HIV or individuals working with blood samples that are high risk for bloodborne pathogens (HIV, Hepatitis B, C)


Hepatitis C antibody blood test 



Individuals working with HIV or individuals working with blood samples that are high risk for bloodborne pathogens (HIV, Hepatitis B, C)


HIV antibody blood test 


Individuals working with HIV or individuals working with blood samples that are high risk for bloodborne pathogens (HIV, Hepatitis B, C)

Health Care Worker Immunization 

Covid-19 immunization 

Primary (2 dose) series once

Health care workers, including individuals working with patients, or in patient care settings. 

Some immunizations and testing may be excluded for non-direct patient care positions 


Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (dTap) series 

Primary (3 dose) series once and booster dose every 10 years 

Health care workers, including individuals working with patients, or in patient care settings. 

Some immunizations and testing may be excluded for non-direct patient care positions 


Polio - risk dependent  


Primary (3 dose) series and adult booster 

Health care workers, including individuals working with patients, or in patient care settings. 


Measles, Mumps, Rubella 

Primary (2 dose) series once 

Health care workers, including individuals working with patients, or in patient care settings. 

Some immunizations and testing may be excluded for non-direct patient care positions 


Hepatitis B immunization and antibody blood test 

Primary (3 dose) series, booster dose(s) if protective antibody threshold not met 

Health care workers, including individuals working with patients, or in patient care settings. 


Varicella immunization OR antibody blood test 

Primary (2 dose) series once OR antibody blood test

Health care workers, including individuals working with patients, or in patient care settings. 

Some immunizations and testing may be excluded for non-direct patient care positions 


Tuberculosis skin test 


Baseline test 

Health care workers, including individuals working with patients, or in patient care settings. 

Some immunizations and testing may be excluded for non-direct patient care positions 

Leishmania Research 

Leishmania antibody 

Baseline test 

Individuals working with Leishmania spp. though use of sharps (e.g., needles) or other vector (i.e., sandflies) 

Neisseria Meningitidis Research 

Meningococcal B immunization 


Primary (2 dose) series once 


Individuals who work with Neisseria Meningitidis 


Men A, C, Y, W-135 immunization 

Every 5 years if actively exposed 

Individuals who work with Neisseria Meningitidis 

Non-Human Primate 

Hepatitis A immunization 


Primary (2 does) series once 


Individuals working with non-human primates or their body fluids or tissues 


Tetanus immunization 

Primary (3 dose) series once and booster every 10 years 

Individuals working with non-human primates or their body fluids or tissues 

Occupational Health Consultation 

Occupational health assessment with Occupational Health Nurse/Physician 

When hired or with significant job changes 

Individuals with occupational health risks. 

*This is a new exposure group so may not include people from other exposure groups who were previously assessed 

Rabies – High risk 

Rabies immunization 


Primary (3 does) series once, and booster if protective antibody threshold for protection is not met 

Individuals with increased risk (greater than other animal workers) for rabies exposure. Such as individuals working directly with bats 


Rabies antibody blood test 


Individuals with increased risk (greater than other animal workers) for rabies exposure. Such as individuals working directly with bats 

Respiratory Protection – Health Surveillance 

Physical exam 


Baseline physical exam then subjective health history every two years 

Individuals who wear respirators to work in environments that are immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) 


Pulmonary function testing 


Individuals who wear respirators to work in environments that are immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) 

Respiratory Protection – Fit Testing 

Respirator fit test 

Every two years 

Individuals who require respiratory protection 


Covid-19 immunization 

Primary (2-dose) series once 

Individuals working with SARS-CoV-2 

Streptococcus Pneumoniae 

Pneumococcal 13 and 23 immunization 

One dose 

Individuals working with streptococcus pneumoniae 

Salmonella Typhi 

Typhoid immunization 

One dose every three years 

Individuals working with Salmonella Typhi, or those with increased exposure risk to human stool  


Tetanus immunization 

Primary (3-dose) series and booster dose every 10 years 

Individuals working with animals, sharps, or environments with dirt/soil 


TB skin test 

Baseline and annual testing may be indicated based on risk 

Individuals working with mycobacterium tuberculosis or mycobacterium bovis; or if performing high risk activities on animals that may carry mycobacterium bovis 


Toxoplasma serology 

Baseline testing 

Individuals working with toxoplasma 


Varicella immunization 

Varicella primary (2 does) series OR antibody blood test 

Individuals working with varicella virus 

Veterinary Worker Immunization 

Rabies immunization 


Primary (3 dose) series once, and booster if protective antibody threshold not met 

Veterinarian or animal workers. Individuals who work with animals with unknown health status or animals not held by the university for more than 10 days. 


Rabies antibody titre 

Every two years 

Veterinarian or animal workers. Individuals who work with animals with unknown health status or animals not held by the university for more than 10 days. 


Tetanus immunization 

Primary (3-dose) series and booster dose every 10 years 

Veterinarian or animal workers. Individuals who work with animals with unknown health status or animals not held by the university for more than 10 days. 

How are exposure groups and activities determined?

Hazard Assessments – If health hazards are identified when a worksite hazard assessment is completed, an exposure group may be established based on the identified hazard and specific occupational health activities as necessary controls. 

UCalgary Hazard Identification, Assessment, and Control 

Biosafety Permits – Specific hazards listed on biosafety permits may lead to establishing exposure groups. 

UCalgary Biosafety Permits 

Legislation – Certain work activities have control measures described in relevant acts, regulations, and codes. Exposure groups may be established to meet the legislated controls. 


  • Part 16, Sec 223 (Audiometric testing) 

  • Part 18, Sec 245 (Respiratory protective equipment) 

  • Part 35, Sec 530 (Post exposure management) 

Standards – Authorities on health or safety may have developed standards to guide activities related to exposure risks. These in turn are applied to the relevant UCalgary exposure groups. 


  • Sections 4.1.7; 4.1.9 

  • Z94.4-11 Selection, use, and care of respirators 



Best practices – Industry groups have developed commonly accepted practices for controlling workplace hazards. In the absence of legislative requirements or standards, the best practices may be utilized when developing exposure groups. 



Other literature and subject matter experts – In the absence of the aforementioned resources, other evidence may be utilized to guide exposure group development. 

  • Occupational Health Physician 
  • Occupational Health Nurse 
  • Medical Officer of Health 
  • Infectious Diseases Physician 


Services provided by Staff Wellness are free. If there are vaccinations or testing that are not provincially funded, the department may be billed at cost.

We have locations at both Main and Foothills Campus.

Group bookings at a worksite are available on request.

For questions, concerns or more information about these exposure groups and activities