Addressing a Workplace Complaint

The university has developed a process for addressing workplace complaints that includes both a formal investigation process and more informal resolution options.

When undertaking workplace investigations in the workplace, the university must ensure a thorough investigation in a timely, procedurally fair and transparent manner, however, not all complaints will necessitate a formal investigation. Some complaints may be more appropriately and expeditiously addressed through an informal resolution process.

Informal Resolution Process

This may include problem solving meetings, mediation, or facilitated group discussions to name a few. There are a variety of informal resolution options available and the best option will depend on the specific circumstances of each case and the willingness of the parties involved. Some options may be:

  • Respectfully address the situation with the individual. You may want to practice this conversation first with a colleague or one of the parties mentioned below
  • Reach out to your supervisor
  • If you are a unionized employee, you can reach out to your Union Steward or Representative
  • Seek coaching from the assigned HR Partner
  • If situation doesn't improve, keep an incident log by date with a description of each incident

Formal Resolution Process

For MaPS and Support Staff

A formal complaint may involve filing a grievance or a formal investigation through HR. 

In general, when a complaint is received by HR, a determination as to whether a formal investigation is necessary will be made upon assessing the complaint and following an initial consultation with the complainant.

For an overview of the HR formal investigation process see the Investigation Flow Chart.

To register a formal complaint, e-mail your HR Partner.

Formal Resolution Process

For Academic Staff

A formal written complaint may be filed with your Dean or equivalent or you may contact the Faculty Association to discuss filing a grievance.

In general, when a complaint is received by a Dean, a determination as to whether a formal investigation is necessary will be made upon assessing the complaint and following an initial consultation with the complainant.

Deans or their equivalents will work with their HR Partners in an investigation and will ensure academic staff are offered representation by the Faculty Association if they so choose.


Training & Workshops

  • Creating a Culture of Collegiality Workshop (for academics)
  • Creating a Culture of Collegiality Workshop (for managers)
