RSL & Administrative Leave Retirement

Academic Staff


All continuing, contingent-term, and limited-term academic staff members who, by the end of their RSL and/or Administrative Leave, are:

  • Sixty (60) years of age or older with at least 15 years of continuous service; or
  • Sixty-Five (65) years of age with at least three (3) years of continuous service in a full-time, Continuing, Contingent Term or Limited Term appointment by the end of the research and scholarship leave or administrative leave.


When an academic staff member is interested in retiring at the conclusion of their RSL or Administrative Leave (between July 1 and June 30), they must submit a separate notice of retirement to their Dean. This should be done as early as possible but usually after the time the RSL or Administrative Leave is approved and no later than March 31. This will signal their intent to retire before they go on leave. This notice will serve as their retirement letter and will be forwarded to the President's Office and HR for further acknowledgement. Once an academic staff member submits a notice of retirement, it will be accepted by the Dean and cannot be revoked by the academic staff member or the Administration.