Focus on Results

Management and Professional Staff Core Leadership Competencies


Understand behaviours to see how this competency is demonstrated at different levels of proficiency. Competencies are not rated during the annual review. This information is provided to help employees and managers describe strengths and opportunities for development.

The drive to achieve positive results and the ability to focus on accomplishing key objectives for oneself, the team, and/or the university.

  1. Poor Level of Proficiency

    • Does not set challenging goals
    • Procrastinates
    • Lacks commitment to push goals through to completion
    • Hesitates when faced with conflict, challenge, or disagreement
    • Does not identify what is critical for self and/or others
    • Wants to do everything
    • Completes work in alignment with key objectives
    • Pursues some challenging work and goals
    • Seeks direction on what is a priority
    • May hesitate when faced with conflict or setbacks
  2. Expected Level of Proficiency

    • Pursues their work with energy, drive, and a need to finish
    • Seldom gives up before finishing, especially in the face of resistance or setbacks
    • Pursues challenging work and goals
    • Steadfastly pushes self and others for results
    • Spends their time on what is important
    • Seizes more opportunities than others
    • Creates focus for self and others
    • Eliminates roadblocks
    • Can be counted on to exceed goals successfully
  3. High Level of Proficiency

    • Boldly sets goals and challenges for self and others
    • Their focus and drive engages and energizes their team
    • Their completed work achieves great impact and success for their team, research project, faculty, or university
    • Their results redefine the standard for success

Create or contribute to an environment which inspires potential, trust, learning, and excellence while delivering results.

  1. Poor Level of Proficiency

    • Does not listen well, interrupts, and/or misses other's point
    • Does not know how or is unable to motivate others
    • Does not use goals, objectives, and planning to manage self and others
    • Does not understand how change happens
    • Practices active, attentive listening
    • Manages self and others according to plan
    • May be able to motivate or engage others
  2. Expected Level of Proficiency

    • Has the patience to hear people out
    • Creates a climate in which people want to do their best
    • Empowers others
    • Monitors process, progress, and results
    • Is able to motivate diverse people by reading their unique needs and adapting accordingly
    • Monitors process and results and refines accordingly
    • Sets up benchmarks and ways for themselves or people to measure themselves
    • Learns from all results good and bad and creates 'teachable moments'
  3. High Level of Proficiency

    • Inspires and motivates colleagues, teams, or faculties
    • Engages self and/or others in a compelling vision, purpose, plan, and/or standards of excellence
    • Provides opportunities for self and others to grow and challenge their abilities
    • Creates continuous learning and improvement for self and others

Facilitate and lead change by involving others and securing the necessary resources even when faced with complexity and/or ambiguity.

  1. Poor Level of Proficiency

    • Prefers data, structure, and surety
    • Uncomfortable with change, ambiguity, and complexity
    • Learns things slowly
    • Sticks to the obvious
    • Is inflexible or rigid
    • Identifies the necessary people or stakeholders
    • Deals with change with sufficient direction and support
    • Identifies the necessary resources
    • May be nervous about risk and uncertainty
  2. Expected Level of Proficiency

    • Involves the necessary people or stakeholders
    • Effectively deal with change and shift directions comfortably
    • Ensure the necessary resources are available
    • Analyzes success and failure for clues to improvement
    • Is seen as balanced despite the conflicting demands of the situation
    • Reaches out to stakeholders to generate change solutions
    • Can comfortably handle risk and uncertainty
    • Can decide and act without having the total picture
    • A relentless and versatile learner
    • Mobilizes necessary resources
    • Is very flexible and adaptable when facing tough calls
  3. High Level of Proficiency

    • Creates change champions to drive results
    • Thrives on challenge, and unfamiliar tasks or work
    • Quickly grasps the essence and structure of anything creating new models
    • Creatively engages the necessary resources
    • Can combine seeming opposites