Managing the Probation Period

Managers of Support Staff

Managing Support Staff

Setting expectations: Within the first week of hire, managers should meet with the new employee to set and clarify job expectations.

One-on-one meetings: Throughout the probationary period, frequent one-on-one meetings will help identify training opportunities, and provide opportunity for managers to deliver feedback and coaching while the employee learns their new role.

Mid-probationary review: At approximately the mid-point of the probationary period (250 hours worked or 3 months of service, whichever is greater), a mid-probationary review is required. The employee will be advised of the results of the review in writing.

  • If you have concerns about this employees suitability for the role, contact Human Resources as soon as possible.
  • Log in to to access the mid-probationary review and assess performance. Refer to the  for assistance. 
  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting with your direct report to review and discuss performance thus far. Outline any deficiencies and your expectations for the coming months. Discuss what support you can offer to enable the employee's success.
  • Ensure your employee acknowledges the completed assessment. Refer to the for assistance. 
  • Schedule a probation review to occur before the conclusion of the probationary period.

Probationary Review: Before the conclusion of the probationary period (500 hours worked or 6 months of service, whichever is greater), managers determine if the employee is suitable for the role and complete a probationary review.

  • If you have concerns about this employees suitability for the role, contact Human Resources as soon as possible.
  • If the probationary employee’s performance is satisfactory, log in to myUCalgary to access the probationary review and assess performance. Refer to the  for assistance. 
  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting to congratulate the employee on passing the probationary period. Review and discuss performance thus far, your expectations for the coming months, and what support you can offer to enable the employee's success.
  • Ensure each employee acknowledges the completed assessment. Refer to the for assistance. 

Skill Building for Probation Reviews

To launch an online course after enrolling, go to learning.my.ucalgary.ca and go to: My Learning > Select the Course > Launch

  1. Connect to Perform - Probationary Reviews

    15 minutes | Managers

    In this narrated online resource, managers will learn about managing the probationary period for support staff and MaPs, including details on mid-probationary and probationary reviews.