Benefits and Pension During RSL

Academic Staff

Continuation of Benefits

Your current group benefit and banking arrangements will continue through your period of Research & Scholarship Leave. Information and FAQs can be found on the RSL reference guide. Contact hr@ucalgary.ca or 403.210.9300 to request any changes.

Alberta Health Insurance Plan Coverage

Leaving the province of Alberta for an extended period of time may impact your provincial Alberta Health Care insurance. If you are not or will not be physically present in Alberta for at least 183 days in a 12 month period, contact AHCIP at 403.310.0000 to inform them.

Extended health and dental coverage through Alberta Blue Cross (ABC) is dependent upon maintaining your provincial health insurance. If you do not continue your provincial healthcare, it could impact your Alberta Blue Cross benefit payments.

Non-emergency Allowable Expenses

These expenses are provided through Alberta Blue Cross to a staff member (and benefit eligible dependents) who are on an approved Research & Scholarship Leave.

Emergency Medical Situations

In the event of emergency medical situations, sickness, or accident requiring hospitalization occurring outside of Canada, there is emergency medical coverage. You should contact the Travel Assistance Provider as noted on the back of your Alberta Blue Cross card within 24 hours of the admission date.


All 'Continuing', 'Contingent Term', and 'Limited Term' academic staff members contribute to the University's Academic Pension Plan (UAPP). Contributions to UAPP are mandatory during the RSL period. Where a staff member receives 80% or more salary during the RSL, the staff member and the university shall make pension contributions based on the staff member receiving 100% salary.Â