
Procedure for Managing the Employment of Related Persons

Does the Procedure for Managing the Employment of Related Persons apply to me?

It applies to any Academic Staff Members, Appointees, Employees and Volunteer Appointees.

Who is a “Related Person”?

A “Related Person” is an individual who is directly associated with another individual and includes:

  • a parent, sibling and child of the individual
  • a spouse or domestic partner of the individual
  • any other person who is directly associated with the individual (e.g. a close personal friend, a romantic or sexual partner).

What is the difference between a “Formal Reporting Relationship” and a “Functional Reporting Relationship”

AFormal Reporting Relationshipmeans a reporting relationship involving decision-making authority over the formal terms of employment, including performance reviews, discipline, compensation and benefits.

AFunctional Reporting Relationshipmeans a reporting relationship involving the supervision of day-to-day work tasks and does not automatically create a Conflict of Interest.

When does a Conflict of Interest arise when a Related Person is working or volunteering at the University?

A Conflict of Interest may occur either at the time of hire, at a change in employment or when there has been a change in the personal relationship during an existing employment relationship.

I have discovered that I am in a Conflict of Interest with the hiring of a Related Person, what do I do?

As soonas you discover that you are in a Conflict of Interest with the hiring of a Related Person, you must recuse yourself from the hiring process.

Conflicts of Interest pertaining to the appointment, promotion and tenure of Academic Staff Members will be governed by the process set out in the APT Manual or the Faculty Association Collective Agreement.

The hiring process and the decision to employ any Related Person must be documented and it is your responsibility to recuse yourself from involvement in the hiring process of a Related Person.

I have discovered that I am in a Conflict of Interest with the Formal Reporting Relationship of a Related Person, what do I do?

As soonas you discover that you are in a Conflict of Interest with the Formal Reporting Relationship of a Related Person you must submit aconflict of interest disclosure to your SLT member. Navigate to myUCalgary > All about me > Employee Self Service > Conflicts of Interest and follow the steps to complete your disclosure. Your SLT member will assess the potential Conflict of Interest.This includes when a Related Person is hired or when there is a change in the employment or personal relationship that results in a Conflict of Interest.

If there is a Conflict of Interested with a Related Person, what happens?

When a Conflict of Interest can be appropriately managed, you and your SLT Member will create a detailed conflict management plan that outlines steps to prevent any real or perceived Conflict of Interest. The conflict management plan will ensure the Academic Staff Member/Employee or Appointee will not have a Formal Reporting Relationship with the Related Person but may have a Functional Reporting Relationship if the circumstances warrant such a relationship.

I am a faculty member in the Cumming School of Medicine and we have separate obligations to report Relationships with Industry. Do I still have to follow this one?

We are working to create one reporting mechanism for CSM that covers both your faculty obligations and those under the University Code of Conduct.